
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
The Case for American Engagement Abroad: Office Hours with H.R. McMaster
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Hoover Institution senior fellow H.R. McMaster answers the most frequently asked questions from his video series “The Fight to Defend the Free World.”
1. If the United States is interested in peace, why does our military remain engaged abroad? And why do we continue to build up our military?
2. What do you say to those who categorize any American involvement overseas as a form of imperialism or colonialism?
3. Can you explain the relationship that Shia Iran and Sunni Hamas have in the Greater Middle East? What is Hamas trying to accomplish and how does Iran fit into that?
4. In the video series and in your book you talk about the strategy of convincing North Korea’s Kim family regime that it would be more secure in its position without nuclear weapons than with them. Considering reports that they have tested nuclear weapons, is that still a viable strategy?
5. Is it possible that China’s Xi Jinping is overplaying his hand by acting too aggressively with his foreign policy agenda?