
Saturday Mar 02, 2024
Saturday Mar 02, 2024
A Post-9/11 Veteran Town Hall Discussion with veterans Gil Barndollar and Robin Johnson, Veteran Fellowship Program Fellows Matthew Brown and Claudia Flores led by Hoover Fellow Jacquelyn Schneider.
One of the greatest challenges for the All Volunteer Force is how to reintegrate a professional, volunteer military back into civilian society. For many previous generations, this re-integration was supported by veterans organizations, like the Veterans of Foreign Wars, which created a space for veterans to share experiences as they re-started their civilian life. However, the post 9/11 veteran generation has new challenges both in re-connecting with civilian life and in creating bonds between post 9/11 veterans that create positive societal impacts. The rise of social media as well as the diversity and the volunteer nature of this generation means that Vietnam-era structures and institutions designed for veterans may not work for building social bonds between 9/11 veterans and their communities. How does the post 9/11 veteran build social capital among each other? How do they connect with their communities? How can the post 9/11 veteran experience build social cohesion not only between veterans and civilians but also in the broader civil society?
Tuesday, February 20, 2024 – Denver, CO
Gil Barndollar | Senior Research Fellow, Center for the Study of Statesmanship; USMC veteran
Matthew Brown | Hoover Veteran Fellow; President and CEO, Chimney Trail; USN Veteran
Claudia Flores | Hoover Veteran Fellow; Policy and Planning Director, Virginia Department of Veteran Services; USN Veteran
Robin Johnson | CEO, Best Medicine Brigade; President, HEAL*ARIOUS; USA veteran
Moderated by
Dr. Jacquelyn Schneider | Hoover Fellow, post-9/11 Veteran, USAFR