
Saturday Mar 20, 2021
Cyberspace and Public-Private Innovation
Saturday Mar 20, 2021
Saturday Mar 20, 2021
Friday, March 19, 2021
The Hoover Institution hosts A Decade Of US Cyber Strategy: A Hoover Chat Series With Cyber Experts And Defense Leaders on January 29, February 12, February 26, March 12, and March 19, 2020.
The March 19 session focuses on the role of public-private partnerships and innovation in defense cyber strategy.
This series of discussions will look at the evolution of US cyber strategy over the last decade. Join scholars and defense cyber leaders as they discuss chapters from the recently published book, Ten Years In: Implementing Strategic Approaches to Cyberspace, all with an eye towards the future of US cyber strategy.
The series features authors from the volume, including both academics and Department of Defense cyber leaders, as well as Hoover experts that discuss the history of cyber strategy, cyber warfare, cyberspace talent, and public-private innovation in cyberspace and will be moderated by Dr. Jackie Schneider, Hoover Fellow, Hoover Institution.
For more information visit https://www.hoover.org/events/ten-years-us-cyber-strategy-chat-series